Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thing # 5

Web 2.0, where contributions come from various sources and are channeled through the Internet, has created School 2.0. In my opinion, School 2.0 means more opportunities, resources and outlets for students and teachers alike. Not only can a student or teacher reach out to the vast data bases for answers, they can reach out to other people reaching in the same direction. When people get together on an issue, project, whatever, more seems to be accomplished. Various studies and experiments have been conducted to verify this fact. One such study mentioned students simply studying in small groups were "...better prepared for class, and learned significantly more." (Educause Review, Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0/ no URL can be provided, I was linked through D2L and I don't know the URL)

Anyhow, schools of the future will benefit... wait a minute. Schools of the future? The schools of today are benefiting from the interconnectability of the world already. In the same reading I quoted above, students are mentioned as accessing telescopes in Hawaii and Australia, for free, via the Internet. There are other K-12 students accessing scanning electron microscopes at the University of Illinois via the Internet. The schools of the future are here, but they're going to continue to grow and utilize the vast opportunities afforded them through the Internet. This will not only enhance learning, it will better prepare students for a world that has quickly seen the possibilities of the Internet and technology and is capitalizing on it.

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